Week 1 - 7 My First Triathlon Training


I did some runnings on the weekend. So this Monday I took a rest day

My energy started to kick in or possibly I was super excited with this new journey a head. I did a body pump class at my Virgin Gym in the morning before started my clinic. It was 45 mins intense fast paced full body weight class. 
After work, I had my quick small dinner and started my first swimming! It was tough in the beginning. As I said, I am weak on my front crawl. My first 20m was horrible. I was panic and suddenly out of breath. I switched to breaststroke for a bit and tried again. Surprisingly, I managed to control my anxiety and and started to slowly back to front crawl again. I managed to do total 1080m total swim including 9x40m with kick board in between.

The weather is nice. So, I decided to cycle to work for 8.3km to my Barbican clinic and 9.3km return home. Total journey 1 hr and 1 mins. It's tough to get faster than that when you cycle in central London traffic. 

I am on fire! London weather also on my favour. I had so much energy and decided to do some brick session. I did another cycle to work. This time a bit of quicker route. It was 8.2km to my gym next to my clinic. Then I parked my bike, changed quickly to running short + t-shirt and started to run along the River Thames all the way to Embankment Bridge then return to my gym for total 5km in a bit less than 30mins. I started my clinic in so much better mood. I cycle back home again for another 8.5km. My total cycle time was around 57mins.

I did approx 30mins of strengthening + core work out at my gym

Rest Day  

Running 6km in 33mins


Rest Day

My Body Pump 45mins class as normal at my gym 

London weather is pouring rain all week. I decided to do 45 mins morning RPM (Indoor cycle) class with Katy. It was a tough class full of hills and sprints intervals. I love it. She's the best instructor!
After work I returned to my gym for my 1st session of swimming this week. This time I want to try with my breaststroke only. I did 3 x (240m). Total swimming 720m in 24mins.

I did my morning run for 6km in 37mins. The weather still awful. It was raining a bit but the scenery along the River Thames was lovely as always.

Today the sun is up. I decided to go back to my commute with my bike. I cycled 8.6km to work and 8.7km returned home. Total 1 hr and 2 mins

The Parkrun day in my usual Mile End Parkrun. It's very hilly. I started well mid way with just under 6mins/hr pace but then I felt the horrible stitch on my stomach. It's been a while I haven't had it. So, I had to stop and walked a bit in between. I managed to finish my 5k park run in 31 mins.
Then I went to my gym and decided to have my 2nd session swimming of this week. It was a tough one! I think I had drained my energy. It's hard to maintain my normal breathing. Hopefully it just because I'm just too tired? long crazy week at work? Anyway, I managed to do mixed strokes of total 1100m. Breastroke (BS) and Front Crawl (FC). 
It was 200m BS + 5x (60m FC + 15-25 sec rest) + 100m BS + 5x (60m FC+ 15-25 sec rest) + 200m BS

Rest Day



Rest Day

I started my training today with morning easy run together with my husband to Westminster area. It was lovely weather and I enjoyed the scenery to see one of the iconic London landmarks ‘London eye’. We did an easy 7.5k before I started my clinic. 

As I am planning to skip the training on next day, I did evening swimming session of 1200m mixed strokes (200m BS + 5x20m FC) all repeats 4x. I found out my BS were quicker on the last 2 sets and felt more confidence with it.

I had a parent event to go and had to skip today's training.

I did some gym session in the morning. Strengthening + Weights. Also commuted to work with my road bike to my Barbican clinic of total 16.9k return journey within 58mins. 

I had the energy today to do brick session. First session was cycle to work of 8.2k within 28mins, parked the bike and then did morning run to the south of the river for 5.25k. I tried new route so did few stops here and there to find the way back to my bike. After work, I cycled back home for 8.7k in 29 mins.

I swam for total 1100m (300m BS + 200m FC + 100 FC Sprint + 200m FC + 300m BS). I am more confident to swim longer but still struggling to continuously swam with FC.

Long ride today to see the Hyde Park. I brought my cleat shoes and tried to ride on it whilst cycle inside Hyde Park and when return home. I am not normally using this cleat shoes when commute to work as too much traffic during the weekday so need to practice again before the race day. Total distance was approx 31k in 1hr 44mins with few stops.




Rest Day

Body pump class at Gym for 45mins. Today I was so busy at work and very stressful due to lack of staff. I had to work late and was too exhausted to continue my training in the evening.

I had morning RPM/Spin class for 45 mins at Gym. Very intense class with lots of hills and sprints.

Brick session today! I did 9.6km cycle in 35mins followed by 15mins sprint run on treadmill for 2.7km. Then cycle back home after work for 8.45km in 31 mins. My new triathlon bag + wetsuit arrived today at work, so cycle back with wearing my lovely backpack from Huub and tried out this wetsuit at home. Super tight! I need time to practice wear it on and out. 

I cycle to work again today for total 16.7km within an hour!

London was on fire. It was scorching hot of 34C and I was brave enough to run! I only managed to do 6km in very slow pace within 41mins. Nearly collapse due to heatstroke so I had to slow down. 

Then followed by 700m swimming session of mixed strokes. Surprisingly my pace in swimming improved despite the lack of energy I had when did the running.

Rest Day



Rest Day

I did a 6k running in the morning before work. My hubby's friend visited us from Indonesia and we did super easy run for 40mins around across the Thames River. I also swam 1000m mixed strokes in the evening. I still couldn't do all front crawl and had to stop after 100-120m for breathing

I commuted to work with my road bike. My morning ride was 8.6k within 29mins and my afternoon ride to home was almost 8k within 27mins. 

Another bike session to work for 8.5k within 28mins and returning home for another 8.5k within 31mins. I found out this bike session will possibly be my strength in the race.

Today I planned for my morning Brick Session. Part 1 was my cycle session to work for 8k within 27mins and then followed by a super easy run for nearly 6k within 37mins. 

At the afternoon after work, I cycle back home for another 8.5k within 30mins.

My first Open Water Swimming session. It was a lovely morning weather. I found out it was very daunting for my first experience. It's deep water and water temperature was a bit chill. 

I was a bit panic at first. Breathless after 3-4 strokes. The buoyancy of the wetsuit helped a lot to stay relax when I had to stop and breath. I gasped a lot and definitely swallowed a lot of water. I had so much doubt I would be able to do the race. I started to think that I made totally wrong decision to do this. My original plan to swim with breaststroke had to change now as frontcrawl with a wetsuit on is actually easier. I need to work more on my breathing then. I only managed to swim 600m today. 

However, I found out the experience to swim on the open water was quite fun and could be very addicting. It brought back my memory when I was still an avid scuba diver when I was still in the university. I just felt another 3 weeks wouldn't be enough for me to swim confidently in the race.

Rest Day


Rest Day

Body pump class in the morning at Gym for 45mins. Followed by interval/hill run on the treadmill for 4k within 24mins.

I commuted to work with my road bike. Morning ride was 8.5k within 29mins and returning home for 8.3k within 30mins 

Brick session day again! I rode my bike as my 1st session in the morning for 8.1k within 28mins, then followed by super easy run /jogging with a friend for 6k. In the afternoon after work, I rode my road bike home for 8.7k within 33mins. Felt so great with today's training.

My 2nd open water session after work with my team mate from Her Spirit. We both will be doing our first Triathlon. We have similar issue. We both can't go frontcrawl continuously for too long! Today I had a very long and busy day at work and found out it was very tough to swim. I felt really dragged and heavy. I hope I was just to tired after a long busy week. I still couldn't feel more confident in the water and had to stop briefly every 100m. It wasn't scary anymore though. I was more relax now. I believe if I do it in the weekend after a good rest I will do much better. I managed to swim 1200m today.

Rest Day

I did Adidas City Run Shoreditch 10k. I planned to run easy and steady today. I didn't do much serious training training for running. So, really didn't expect to run for a PB. I managed to do my first 5k well but then I had to stop for a toilet break. My first time to have toilet stop at my 10k race. It was tough to go back to my pace afterwards. I had terrible stitches after the stop and it just ruined my running mood. I finished in 1:05 including 3 mins toilet break. It was a great atmosphere to see all my running buddies for AR London.


Rest Day

I am back to commute to work with my road bike. I did 8.2k morning cycle within 26mins and 7.5k afternoon cycle returning home within 28mins.

Strength and Weight session at gym.

Brick session of my cycle and swimming today! I rode my bike for 8.1k within 27mins in the morning and followed by my morning swim of 600m within 18mins (mixed BS and FC). Then my afternoon ride to return home for 8.4k within 28mins.

As usual, I rode my bike to work for 8.5k within 28mins and another 8.7k within 31 mins when returning home at the afternoon.

Another Brick session for run + swimming today! I did internal run on treadmill for 5k within 31mins. Followed by swimming session (still mixed but mostly FC) for 1000m within 30mins.

My 3rd Open Water Swimming! I managed to swim > 1200m within 38mins including some lap stops. I managed to enjoy it today and felt more confident. This is the best OWS training so far!
